Embracing the Spirit
2018 Class Registration
8 Thursdays, April 19-June 7, 5-7PM
Mandatory Informational Session: April 12, 2018, 5 PM.
Community Participants $325 (Option 1)
Temple Members $250.00 (Option 2)
Location: Congregation Beth Ha Tephila
43 N. Liberty St. Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 253-4911
At the heart of physical, emotional and intellectual well-being is spiritual well-being. When we are sick in body, declining in mind, or broken-hearted, an engaged, awake spirit can anchor us. Moreover, a rich spiritual life can enliven the commonplace, call forth gratitude, and lead us to greater flourishing. However, there is so much that takes our attention away from attending to our spirit and showing up to our lives authentically and skillfully, moment to moment. How do we cultivate greater spiritual awareness? What practices can deepen our connection to our soul so that we can meet the vicissitudes of life with grace and thrive?
Over this 8-week course, we will explore how mindfulness practices, and the psalms, prayers and stories of Judaism offer lessons into connecting to each moment and enriching our spirits. This class will be co-taught by Rabbi Batsheva Meiri of Congregation Beth Ha Tephila (http://www.bethhatephila.org) com) and Scott MacGregor, MS, LPC, CFLE.
Class is limited to 12 participants. We will start a waiting list. A mandatory information session will be held on April 12, 5-7PM for all those registered and wait listed for the class.
In order to reserve a seat for the Spring-2018 Embracing the Spirit Course, you have two options. Option 1 is to register and pay the full amount by credit/debit card. Option 2 is to register and request financial assistance (sliding scale/payment plan), or payment by check. Option 3 regards the Stand By List (details below).
If you attend the Information Session and decide the course is not right for you, you will receive a full refund. (Note: There is a fee if you cancel within 10 days of the Information Session).
Option 1 - Register as a Community Member
After completing the form below, you will be directed to PayPal where you can pay the $325.00 using a credit or debit card.
Option 2 - Register as a CBHT Temple Member
After completing the form below, you will be directed to PayPal where you can pay the $250.00 using a credit or debit card.
This option is for Congregation Beth Ha Tephila members only.
Option 3 - Wait-List & Financial Assistance
In the event you do not want to pay in advance, you may add your name to the wait list by completing the form below. You may attend the Information Session for no charge. In the event there is space after the Information Session, individuals on the wait list will be contacted and offered a seat based upon their position on the list, and can pay the course fee at that time.