Fall-2019 MBSR
Class Registration
Prior to registering, please consult the MBSR Fall-2019 Class Schedule to be sure the specific class dates and times work with your calendar.
In order to reserve a seat for either of the Fall-2019 Evening Classes, you may use Option 1 to register and pay the full amount by credit/debit card. Option 2 is for those requesting financial assistance (sliding scale/payment plan); seat reservations must be confirmed by instructor. Option 3 regards the Standby List (details below).
If you attend the Information Session and decide the course is not right for you, you will receive a full refund. (Note: There is a fee if you cancel within 10 days of the Information Session).
Option 1 - Register & Pay by Credit/Debit Card
After completing the form below, you will be directed to PayPal where you can pay the $350.00 using a credit or debit card.
Option 3 - Standby Registration
In the event you do not want to pay in advance, you may add your name to the Standby List for one course by completing the form below. You may attend the Information Session for no charge. In the event there is space after the Information Session, individuals on the Standby List will be contacted and offered a seat based upon their position on the list, and can pay the course fee at that time.
Option 2 - Request for Financial Assistance
There are some seats provided participants needing financial assistance. Please check the Financial Assistance box in the form below. You will be contacted to discuss the details of your course fee, and then receive confirmation that you are registered. No one will be turned away for financial reasons; however, you may be asked to consider a different class based upon availability of reduced fee seats.